SHIONOGI Group Human Rights Policy
The SHIONOGI Group recognizes that it is our responsibility to respect for human rights of all individuals affected by our business activities. In order to advance efforts to promote respect for human rights, we hereby announce the adoption of the “SHIONOGI Group Human Rights Policy” (“Policy”), based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council in June 2011.
SHIONOGI Group aims to strive constantly to supply the best possible medicine to protect the health and wellbeing of the patients we serve, as expressed in “SHIONOGI Group Heritage”(The Company Policy of Shionogi). We are committed to maintaining and enhancing the health, safety, and daily comfort of people around the world, and therefore prioritize respect for human rights. SHIONOGI Group recognizes that the human rights of all individuals must be respected to truly contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
1. Basic principles on human rights
The “Policy” is our promise to respect human rights, in order to fulfill our responsibilities to all stakeholders, based on “SHIONOGI Group Heritage”. To that end we support and respect the following International Norms.
⁃ The United Nations International Bill of Human Rights (specifically the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), which sets out the basic human rights of every individual
⁃ The Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work from the International Labour Organization (ILO), which sets out people’s fundamental rights at work*
⁃ International human rights standards for workers adopted in conventions on such matters as wages and working hours
⁃ United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
⁃ Ten Principles set forth in the United Nations Global Compact
⁃ The Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects (Declaration of Helsinki)
*This includes support and respect for the effective abolition of child labour, the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour, the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, as Core Labour Standards.
2. Scope
The “Policy” is applicable to all employees and executive officers of SHIONOGI Group. Our Group also expects all of our business partners to comply with the “Policy” in connection with our products and services.
3. Responsibility of respect for human rights
SHIONOGI Group is aware that global business activities may inadvertently cause an adverse impact on human rights. That said, we aim to fulfill our responsibility to promote respect for human rights by conducting our global business activities, including maintaining a responsible supply chain, in a manner that avoids infringing on the human rights, and, in the event that we discover that our business activities do have an adverse impact on someone’s human rights, appropriate action will be taken to address that situation.
4. Human rights due diligence
SHIONOGI Group will establish a system of human rights due diligence to identify, prevent and mitigate any adverse impacts on human rights that our Group causes in society and we will continuously perform human rights due diligence.
5. Dialogue and Consultation
In its implementation of the “Policy”, SHIONOGI Group will apply expert human rights knowledge from independent third parties. Recognizing the importance of understanding the opinions of stakeholders affected by our business activities, we will promote respect for human rights by engaging in earnest dialogue and consultation with our stakeholders.
6. Education and training
SHIONOGI Group will provide appropriate education and training to executive officers, employees, and business partners to ensure that the “Policy” becomes incorporated into all of our business activities and is implemented effectively.
7. Remediation
If it emerges that SHIONOGI Group’s business activities, or our involvement in our of our business relationships, have had an adverse impact on someone’s human rights, we will work to remedy the same through dialogue and the appropriate processes in line with international standards.
8. Responsible executive officer(s)
SHIONOGI Group will entrust an executive officer or officers with the responsibilities for execution of the “Policy”, who will supervise its progress and status.
9. Information disclosure
SHIONOGI Group will disclose the progress and the results of our efforts to promote respect for human rights on its website and through other media.
10. Applicable laws and regulations
SHIONOGI Group will comply with the laws and regulations of each of the countries and regions in which our business activities are conducted. Where there is a conflict between a country’s laws or regulations and internationally recognized human rights standards, our Group will pursue ways to respect international human rights principles to the maximum extent possible.
The “Policy” has received the approval of our Board of Directors and the signature of our Representative Director and President.
March 22, 2021
Shionogi & Co., Ltd.
Representative Director and President and CEO
Isao Teshirogi