Shionogi’s Disclosure Policy states that as a company trusted widely by society, the Company recognizes that management transparency is one of its most important responsibilities. Based on this recognition, the Company discloses information to all stakeholders in a fair, timely, appropriate and continuous manner.

In our communication with shareholders and investors, the Company subscribes to a spirit of fair disclosure. In addition to disclosing information fairly and at the appropriate time, management and the department in charge of investor relations cooperate in proactive initiatives to promote sustained growth and increase corporate value over the medium and long term.

In addition, we have created a system to encourage closer cooperation among departments, facilitating dialog regarding issues including management strategy, shares, investor relations, finance, and ESG. We also have appointed an officer to oversee this system.


In addition to communication centered on financial information, when meeting with investors, we also engage in dialogue about long-term value creation based on value creation narratives and non-financial information.

Valuable opinions and requests received from investors, including "constructive criticism from an unbiased perspective," are promptly shared with management and those in the field, leading to increased corporate value.

IR activities during the COVID-19 pandemic

Even though COVID-19 is restricting normal IR activities, Shionogi is working to maintain fulfilling dialogue with investors through

a variety of measures. As a company that has adopted “protect people worldwide from the threat of infectious diseases” as one

of its priority tasks (materialities), we are strengthening disclosure of our efforts against COVID-19.


• Holding of small meetings via remote for overseas investors in the respective time zones for the United States, Asia, and Europe

• Active participation in securities company conferences

• Posting of slides and videos shown at the General Meeting of Shareholders on the Company website for the benefit of

shareholders who were unable to come to the venue

[2018年度の主なIR活動]アナリスト・機関投資家向け決算説明会:計4回/アナリスト・機関投資家向け説明会:計13回(R&D説明会、Sage社に関する説明会、各種スモールミーティング:11回)/国内投資家との対話:延べ326社/海外投資家との対話:延べ168社/証券会社主催カンファレンス参加:計5回[2018年度の主なIRの成果]All-Japan Executive Team〈医薬品部門〉Most Honored Companies:1位、Best CEOs:1位、Best IR Professionals:2位、Best IR Programs:1位、Best ESG/SRI Metrics:2位、Best Corporate Governance:1位/IR向上企業選定(25周年特別表彰)/ディスクロージャー優良企業選定:医薬品部門1位/GPIFの運用機関が選ぶ「改善度の高い統合報告書」に選定