In updating its medium-term business plan STS2030 to STS2030 Revision, the SHIONOGI Group analyzed and assessed its risks and opportunities and their time frame based on changes in the internal and external environment, and reviewed the material issues (materiality) that must be addressed. As a result, we have continued to identify “Protect the environment” as one of the SHIONOGI Groupʼs material issues (materiality).

In addition, we have listed environmental issues to be addressed through more detailed analysis of changes in the external business environment and dialogue with external stakeholders, such as ESG investment institutions and external experts, and related organizations within the company. We have identified these issues as “Environmental Materiality” by assessing their impact on the sustainability of global ecosystems and on stakeholders based on the Environmental Reporting Guidelines published by Ministry of the Environment, Japan. In response to Environmental Materiality, we have formulated specific medium- to long-term targets for resolving the issues as the SHIONOGI Group EHS Action Targets, under which we create and implement a single-year EHS Action Plan. The SHIONOGI Group EHS Action Targets are determined through deliberation by the SHIONOGI Group Companywide EHS Committee, the Corporate Executive Management Meeting, and the Board of Directors. Meanwhile, the EHS Action Plan is determined under the responsibility of the Senior Executive Officer and Senior Vice President of the Administration Division, who serves as the Corporate Officer in charge of EHS, after deliberation by the SHIONOGI Group Companywide EHS Committee.

It is a diagram showing the process of identifying environmental materiality.  Environmental materials include AMR, climate change, resource conservation / resource recycling, and water.

Summary of identification of Environmental Materiality

Shows a specific overview of environmental materiality

We apply the identified Environmental Materiality to the value chain and consider what countermeasures are required for each material issue in each process. The countermeasures are reflected in the SHIONOGI Group EHS Action Targets.

To offer value to society and meet our stakeholdersʼ expectations, the SHIONOGI Group hopes to further deepen its activities by clarifying concrete steps toward handling material issues in the future and key performance indicators (KPIs).

Environmental Materiality and the value chain






Distribution and sales

Use and disposal


Antimicrobial release management


Antimicrobial release management


Promotion of responsible antimicrobial use

Climate change

Introduction of energy-saving equipment
Introduction of renewable energy

Introduction of energy-saving equipment
Introduction of renewable energy

Introduction of energy-saving equipment
Introduction of renewable energy

Introduction of hybrid vehicles
Improvement of transportation efficiency

Change in or recycling of containers and packaging materials

Resource conservation and circulation 

Green purchasing

Design of environmentally responsible products

3Rs of waste materials


Reuse and recycling of containers and packaging materials
Responsible disposal

Water and water risks

Water risk assessment

Water risk assessment, water conservation, wastewater management

Water risk assessment, water conservation, wastewater management




Environmental Materiality and the SHIONOGI Group EHS Action Targets (Environment)

See the sections“Action Targets” and “Results” for more information on the targets and activities.