Purpose of Health and Productivity Management

SHIONOGI Group commits to support employees’ wellbeing and to provide meaningful and valuable advances in healthcare.


In order to realize the SHIONOGI Group Heritage (the Company Policy of SHIONOGI), which is its corporate philosophy, and the SHIONOGI Group Vision, it is essential to ensure that all employees are physically and mentally healthy, that they are in an environment in which they can maximize their performance, and that the lives of employees and their families are enriched.


Based on the SHIONOGI Group Health Policy, SHIONOGI will promote Health and Productivity Management and actively work to maintain and improve the health of all employees and create a comfortable environment.


As a result, we will achieve the wellbeing of our employees, realize the sustainable improvement of corporate value, and contribute to society.

  • Message from the Chief Health Management Officer (Dr. Ryuichi Kiyama, Senior Vice President, Administration Division)

  • In recent years, investment in human capital has been attracting attention in corporate management. We believe that investing in employees’ health helps energize individuals and organizations, brings about improved engagement and productivity, and increases corporate and social value. The SHIONOGI Group recognizes the importance of employee health as a crucial theme in human capital management and promotes health and productivity management under the "SHIONOGI Group Health  Policy". In the fiscal year 2023, we restructured our promotion system, updated our strategic map, and reinforced the PDCA cycle for implementing initiatives, evaluating them, and making improvements.


    This fiscal year, we are further promoting collaborative health activities with Shionogi Health Insurance Association and strengthening cooperation with labor unions to improve the health literacy of employees, maintain and improve the mental and physical condition, and maintain and improve the workplace and environment. We will continue to ensure our employees' wellbeing and valuable advances in healthcare.

    Picture of the Chief health Management Officer
  • Health Promotion System

At SHIONOGI, we have established a health promotion system with a Chief Health Management Officer responsible for overseeing the health management organization. This officer is responsible for setting the direction and action plans for health management and monitoring the activities, which are discussed and decided upon in the Corporate Executive Management meetings.

To achieve our health management goals, we have developed a "Strategic Map" and strengthened the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle for implementing and evaluating initiatives towards achieving our health policy.

Furthermore, we promote collaborative health activities with the Shionogi Health Insurance Union to maintain and enhance the health of our employees. Through monthly Health Promotion Meetings, we share and discuss the analysis results of the employer's activities and the health-related projects and information provided by the Shionogi Health Insurance Union. These discussions help us in reviewing and refining our health management policies and action plans.

The Health Management Promotion Committee includes medical staff such as occupational physicians, health management promotion officers from the workplace, and labor unions. This committee engages in discussions to share the outcomes of our activities and address issues and improvement measures.

Promotion of Health and Productivity Management through unification between the Company and employees

We revised the SHIONOGI Code of Conduct as our criteria for all SHIONOGI people in their daily behavior. As a corporate group that contributes to the maintenance and improvement of health and the realization of a comfortable life for people around the world, we have stated in "6.Optimization of work practices and enhancement of the workplace environment" that we will promote health management and enhance employees’ wellbeing in order to create better healthcare in the future and contribute to the realization of a sustainable and healthy society through our business activities. Moreover, in order for the Company and employees to actively work to maintain and improve the health of employees and create a comfortable environment from their respective standpoints, we have stipulated in the Work Rules as follows.

“In order to respect human life and protect assets, the Company shall establish safety facilities and set safety rules to realize a comfortable workplace environment and shall strive to ensure the safety and health of its employees.” (Article 90)

Employees must comply with safety and health regulations and work to maintain their health, improve their environment, and prevent accidents.” (Article 91)

Goals and indicators

Business performance indicators




Methods of measurement and calculation


Absence from work due to illness or injury 1.8 % Percentage of long-term absences or employees on leave.
Presenteeism A state where an employee is present at work but their productivity is reduced due to health-related issues 72,378 Yen To calculate the average monthly loss per employee using the QQmethod*, data from the Collaborative Health Research Group's employee survey will be utilized
Work Engagement A positive and fulfilling psychological state related to work 3.49 The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale** shortened 9-item version that uses a 7-point rating scale  used in annual engagement surveys conducted by the Human Resources Department
* The QQ method is used to confirm the presence or absence of certain symptoms or health issues. If a symptom is present, it asks about the number of days the symptom was experienced and the impact of the symptom on the quantity and quality of work using a 10-point scale. 
** The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) is used to assess the state of actively approaching work and obtaining energy. It consists of questions related to vigor, dedication, and absorption.

Health Promotion Measures


(2) Maintenance and improvement of physical and mental condition

Health checkups

26/ - Regular health checkups: Addition of test items that exceed legal requirements (biochemical test, cancer screening, etc.)

- Project to prevent high-risk employees from having severe symptoms

- Subsidy for disease prevention: Complete health checkups, influenza vaccinations, eradication of Helicobacter pylori, etc.

Dental checkups

- Checkups through a network (FY2021)

- Preventive dental checkup program (FY2022)

Measures for employees with lifestyle-related diseases

- Program for prevention of disease aggravation: Interviews / Encouragement to receive health guidance and attend a medical institution

- Specific health guidance program: Interviews for providing active support and motivational support / Goal setting with the help of registered dietitians, etc. and phone calls, emails, and interviews with them

Measures to develop exercise habits

- “Health Walk”: Held in autumn (three months: September to November) / throughout the year (one year)

- Walking event

Measures against stiff neck and shoulders and lower back pain

- Back Tech’s web service “Pocket Therapist”

(personal coaching by medical professionals via Zoom, etc.)

Promotion of smoking cessation / Smoking cessation outpatient subsidy

Subsidy for smoking cessation outpatients and drugs

[Smoking cessation promotion projects]

- “Smoking Cessation Challenger”: 1st term: Successful challengers 5/5; 2nd term: Successful challengers 2/2; 3rd term: Now recruiting challengers

- Issuance of e-mail newsletters to promote smoking cessation / Promotion and awareness raising of smoking cessation through posters

- Support through a line organizational structure: Social gathering of smokers and nonsmokers


Measures to improve eating habits

- Healthy menu in the employee cafeteria

(3) Maintenance and improvement of the workplace culture and environment

Implementation of stress checks and improvement measures

- Provision of mental health consultation by industrial physicians and outsourced specialists (through the Employee Assistance Program [EAP])

- Formulation and implementation of a response plan to relieve the stress of employees in the relevant organizations and follow-ups (interviews, etc.)

- Counselor interventions in organizations

- Implementation of a mental toughness training program (satisfaction rate: 89%) and work engagement enhancement training

Work style reforms / Personnel system & measures

- Introduction of a work-from-home system

- Abolition of core time for flextime workers

- Introduction of a selectable four-day workweek system / Relaxation of side job rules

Continuous employment support

- Support for balancing cancer treatment and work

- Support for returning to work after long-term leave due to injury or illness

Promotion of smoking cessation

In July 2018, an act to partially amend the Health Promotion Act was enacted (fully in effect from April 2020), and efforts to prevent unwanted passive smoking became mandatory instead of voluntary. Companies were required to ramp up their antismoking measures. We took that opportunity to issue the SHIONOGI Group Smoke-Free Declaration. Based on this declaration, we have taken thorough antismoking measures to protect not only

SHIONOGI Group employees and their families but also all those associated with the Group from the health hazards of active and passive smoking.


As one of the specific internal initiatives, we have formed a smoking cessation promotion project team consisting of volunteer members. Project members issue e-mail newsletters to employees of SHIONOGI, including group companies, in order to provide smokers, non-smokers, and former smokers with useful information, including messages from the President and other management, information on smoking and smoking cessation, and the status of the smoking cessation program. They also provide support to smoking cessation challengers through online interviews, etc. In FY2022, two challengers successfully quit smoking for a year and were presented with a smoking cessation certificate.


In addition to the above, subsidies are provided for smoking cessation treatment from the health insurance society and for online smoking cessation programs from the Company.

2nd Quit Smoking Ceremony
Smoking rate targets and results

Employee-led walking seminar
– Change the way you walk to improve your productivity in both work and life!

In recent years, there have been major changes in work styles, including the spread of work from home and remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is necessary to pay attention to the mental and physical abnormalities that accompany these changes. To contribute to people's health, we must first be healthy ourselves. Accordingly, based on the idea of improving presymptomatic disease , we raised funds through crowdfunding from internal volunteers under the theme of “walking style and posture.” With this fund, we invited a walking instructor from outside the Company (Ms. Seiko Ito, Representative Director of Canaan Walk) in July 2022 to hold a seminar in a hybrid in-person and online format. Participants from all over the country joined the online seminar, indicating a high level of interest.

A lecture was offered with practical instructions, with the advice that improving walking posture helps reduce the physical and mental burden of desk work and increases work efficiency, and that improving walking style helps improve employee health and enhance productivity.



Work style reforms / Personnel system & measures

In July 2022, we established the Human Capital Strategy Office to maximize human capital through the planning and execution of personnel strategies aimed at achieving STS2030 and to demonstrate this to each stakeholder.

At SHIONOGI, we believe that people are the source of our competitiveness. In order to improve corporate value over the medium to long term, it is essential to invest in human resources. Based on this belief, we have introduced various systems and mechanisms in recent years.

Personnel system reforms aimed at enabling diverse human resources to play an active role and accelerating the growth of SHIONOGI

Amid the diversification of employees’ awareness and needs regarding lifestyles and career development, it is important to create a comfortable working environment and increase the motivation of individual employees so that they can fully demonstrate their abilities and increase their productivity, thereby contributing to the growth of SHIONOGI.

In FY2021, SHIONOGI introduced a work-from-home system, abolished core time for flextime workers, and reduced prescribed working hours by 45 minutes per day. To maintain employee salary levels, we pay salaries for the reduced hours as compensation for discretionary work, enabling them to work more efficiently with shorter hours. We hope that these initiatives will enable diverse human resources to choose flexible work styles, raise individual employees’ awareness of work efficiency, and help them to acquire stronger skills. These work style reforms have actually enabled employees who had to limit their work due to life events, such as childcare and nursing care, to work full-time and have made it possible for many employees to create time for learning and take on new business challenges by using their work time efficiently. We believe that we have created a comfortable and rewarding working environment for many employees.

In April 2022, we introduced a selectable four-day workweek system and relaxed the side work rules. For side jobs, in particular, as of July 2022, we approved applications for permission to have a side work for approximately 100 employees, who are gaining work experience in new fields, such as consulting, IT-related services, and education and learning support.

Ensuring diversity through personnel and labor administration

In addition to the revision of the personnel system and work system, SHIONOGI promotes the reform of various other systems to create a workplace environment where employees can work comfortably and find their work rewarding. Recently, we have established a self-investment support system with an upper limit of 250,000 yen per year, using the funds saved by reviewing personal and other allowances. We have also expanded the options for where to work because employees no longer need to work away from home due to the spread of remote work. Moreover, to further improve the workplace environment, each division checks the results of system enhancements, using the results of work engagement surveys, and identifies issues and needs in its workplace. Our efforts to continuously improve the workplace environment and enable diverse work styles have also led to continuous increases in the indicators of the ratio of female managers and the ratio of male employees taking childcare leave.

Results of measures (changes over time)

Dental checkup rate (%)




61/ Checkups through a network


Participation rate in the specific health guidance program (%) (age 40 and over)







Smoking rate (%)







Walking event participation rate (%)







Stress check participation rate (%)







Percentage of employees with high stress (%)







Deviation of stress response







Percentage of employees on mental leave (%)







Average days of paid leave taken







Turnover rate (%) *excluding retirees







To realize a workplace environment that does not trigger mental health issues among employees, various measures are implemented: for example, educational and training programs for employees, including those in managerial or supervisory posts; counseling; legally recognized tests to check employees’ stress levels; and advice and supervision for employees working long hours. Moreover, support is provided to employees on leave due to mental health issues to assist them in planning their return to work and reconciling therapy with work.

Awards from Outside the Company

Outstanding Health and Productivity Management Organization

In March 2024, SHIONOGI was certified as a Health and Productivity Management Organization for eighth consecutive years as a result of its health management initiatives conducted thus far. Under the Health and Productivity Management Organization certification system, companies that implement particularly excellent Health and Productivity Management are certified as Health and Productivity Management Organizations based on their efforts to address local health issues and to tackle health promotion programs recommended by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi.

Health and productivity logo 2024

Sports Yell Company

The Sports Yell Company is a certification program in which the Japan Sports Agency certifies companies actively promoting measures to improve employees’ health through sport. SHIONOGI was certified as a Sports Yell Company for the second consecutive year from 2023. We received this certification in recognition of our efforts to eliminate employees’ health problems and improve their health. Specifically, we have implemented the Health Walk program and have introduced the Pocket Therapist application for them. In addition, since FY2021, we have distributed stretching videos performed by players of the Shionogi Rainbow Stokes Hyogo, a SHIONOGI women’s softball team, to help employees relieve stiff shoulders and lower back pain. We will offer a variety of plans to help maintain and improve the health of as many employees as possible.


Stretching for the lower back and legs that can be done while doing something. (Japanese version only)