In this era, called the “age of VUCA,” business uncertainty is increasing amid accelerating social change. From the perspective of sustainability, the SHIONOGI Group appropriately manages business risks, including creating new business opportunities and taking risk avoidance and reduction measures. We have built and promoted an enterprise risk management (ERM) system, which manages the risks of the entire group, as an important system for our management strategy and management foundation.


Environmental risks are identified and placed on the agenda (setting targets for climate change-related issues, checking progress in achieving the targets, assessing compliance with laws and regulations, etc.) of the SHIONOGI Group Companywide EHS Committee and the Energy Conservation Committee, a subsidiary committee. These committees assess the timing of emergence, probability of occurrence, financial impact, and other factors of these risks, formulate measures to respond to them in order of priority, and check the implementation status of the measures. In particular, significant risks that could have a major impact on management are reported through the Enterprise Risk Management Secretariat to the Corporate Executive Management Meeting and the Board of Directors, which deliberate and make decisions on how to respond to them.


See the section “Risk Management” for more information on risk management.

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) System

risk management
Environmental risk management process

Identification, assessment results, and responses

Assessment criteria

Assessment criteria are provided in the table below. Assessment is finalized after detailed discussions by the SHIONOGI Group Companywide EHS Committee.
Level Impact Frequency of occurrence
Large Discontinued operation Frequent in the area/industry
Medium Capital investment Past incidents
Small No past incidents