"Building Innovation Platforms to Shape the Future of Healthcare" (SHIONOGI Group Vision,Medium-Term Business Plan ‘STS2030’)

This vision will help us transform our business for the future. To achieve the vision, we need to refine our strengths in creativity and expertise as a drug discovery based pharmaceutical company. We aim to become the partner of choice for collaborators in academic institutions and companies from a diverse range of industries. By building a platform where different players can work together, we will generate innovation that will deliver future healthcare.

We wish to build a productive co-creation environment that attracts brilliant minds from across the world. To identify potential partners, we would like to make you aware of potential areas of collaboration by publishing our research themes and interests in the ‘wish list’ below.

If you have any proposals, inquiries, etc. for collaborative research related to the Wish List, please contact us from the link below.

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