Diverse workstyles

Shionogi offers diverse workstyles so as to provide an environment where each employee can apply his/her skills. In April 2021, we started offering a new workstyle globally in the form of a 24-hour flextime work system that has no core hours. Also, with the expectation of improving productivity by making it easier for all employees to work, we expanded our work-at-home program so that employees will need to go to the office at least five days a month and eliminated the practice of transferring employees without their families.

Engagement survey

Shionogi periodically conducts an engagement survey to assess ourselves and are now reviewing the situation and coming up with improvements. Specifically, the Human Resources Department is communicating the survey results to employees and holding dialogs with all the Company’s divisions so that it can ascertain the particular issues and needs and start making improvements.

SING of the Year awards

As a means of globally recognizing and awarding activities that embody the Company Policy, we have presented the “SING of the Year” awards every year. Through this initiative we seek to set in place and promote a “culture of recognition,” in order to boost employee motivation and further strengthen our organization.

“I Want to Do It” Project

We launched the “I want to do it!” project in fiscal 2019 to support voluntary initiatives by Shionogi Group employees, and two ideas that received awards have been commercialized.

Exchange of opinions with directors

We hold opinion exchange meetings that aid in resolving employees’ concerns by providing an opportunity to communicate directly with directors regarding management policy and issues. These meetings also allow rank-and-file employees to express their opinions, which may then contribute to enhancement of our initiatives.

Labor union

At Shionogi there is a healthy relationship between the labor union and management on mutual trust. Labor festivals held across Japan are attended by many employees including directors, with employees’ families also welcome. These events help to foster a sense of unity by promoting communication between labor and management.

  • Attractive workplace

    Leveraging the rich individuality as an energizing force, we provide our employees with opportunities to grow towards a future career path and provide them with a supportive work environment. This enables us to secure human resources who can drive sustained growth, leading both to personal growth and to growth of Shionogi as a company.

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  • Human Resources Development

    This page covers our policy for human resources development, career development, desired human resources, and remuneration and evaluation system.

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