This page covers our policy for human resources development, vision for SHIONOGI’s human resources, education and training, career development, and remuneration and evaluation system.

Secure Human Resources to Support Growth

Based on our principle of human resources development, “People are the source of competitiveness,” we are working to “develop and build strong individuals and organizations capable of surviving global competition.” To achieve STS2030, we are visualizing the necessary human resources that we will need in order to realize human resources development that fosters each person’s talents and an environment in which everyone is motivated to work.

Formulating a vision for human resources (Shionogi Way)

To achieve the Vision of “Building Innovation Platforms to Shape the Future of healthcare,” SHIONOGI has established the Five Values, which are the values indispensable to realize our vision, and the “SHIONOGI Way,” which is the image of SHIONOGI people as “Be the best that you can be to take on new challenges by constantly improving and expanding your capabilities”. Detailed descriptions of the individual values are shown as followed.

■ SHIONOGI's Five Values

Be Trustworthy
Pursue honesty, accuracy, fairness and transparency to earn and retain society’s trust.
Boldness and Innovation
Drive needed change by identifying, understanding, and rapidly leading innovative and new approaches that anticipate future needs of the organization and industry.
Play to Win
Aim high, be competitive, never give up and strive to achieve goals the right way.
Respect for Diversity
Appreciate difference and diverse viewpoints, create teams that make each other better.
Contribution to Society
Contribute to society by addressing unmet needs and supplying the best possible solutions.

To improve human capital

We are working to develop strong individuals who can win in global competition by embodying the SHIONOGI Way, and build an organization that makes the most of its diverse human resources.

■ Personnel System

SHIONOGI has a job grade-based personnel system. This system treats employees according to their job grade, regardless of their age, gender, or other traits, and it assesses employees using a combination of a behavioral assessment, which is an absolute evaluation of the behavior that SHIONOGI desires, and a contribution assessment, which is a relative evaluation of the degree to which each employee is contributing. One of the key points of the STS2030 Revision is to strengthen human resources. In order to increase the certainty of achieving the SHIONOGI Group Vision and to strongly promote our transformation into a HaaS company, we must build a robust human resource portfolio that matches the management strategy. To that end, SHIONOGI introduced a human resources system, designed around the concepts of “challenge” and “satisfaction" for employees. Through this personnel system, SHIONOGI will appropriately evaluate personnel who develop themselves in line with the human resources that SHIONOGI seeks, and who boldly take on the challenge of reaching the difficult goals necessary to achieve STS2030 Revision.

With respect to our compensation system, we set compensation at levels that are appropriate for the job based on the labor market, so that we can pay people according to their work. Bonuses are performance-linked so that each employee will benefit based on meeting his/her challenges in contributing to the Company’s growth.

■ Overall of human development

SHIONOGI is expanding its human capital, which will be the driving force to achieve the STS2030 Revision, by introducing a human resources system that allows for a more balanced compensation system, aligning company and personal growth vectors, and enhancing its human development program to encourage individual growth.

■ Educational programs to promote growth

As the roles and tasks required of employees diversify, reskilling and retraining of individual employees will be the basis for employees to develop their careers autonomously and grow into the people they want to be. As a system to support employees who seek to grow and transform themselves, SHIONOGI introduced a self-investment assistance system in FY2019 that provides educational expense support of up to 250,000 yen per person per year for what each employee wants to learn. We hope to actively encourage the personal growth envisioned by our employees through the full utilization of this program by all employees, except for those in executive positions. In addition, based on the concept of enabling employees to proactively think about their careers and act at the timing necessary for their individual career milestones, we are continuously expanding the human development program, which has previously been implemented according to age group, by reviewing the program and making it available to employees regardless of age.

■ Overview of SHIONOGI’s Human Resources Development Programs

[Individual Growth] (Vector alignment) [Organizational Growth] = Successful implementation of business strategy

SHIONOGI's career development

SHIONOGI defines career as the action of considering self-discipline necessary to contribute to SHIONOGI taking advantage of strengths of each individual, paying attention to own relative competitiveness, and linking the individual growth to organizational growth through work. Based on this definition, it has formulated its Career Development Program.
At SHIONOGI, we aim to have each employee demonstrate their individual characteristics and strengths and tie their personal growth through their work into the growth of their organization. With a view to the startling environmental shifts both inside and outside our company, under the leadership of the Career Development Office, we are working to enhance our training to further expand career development and growth support for employees, such as "Career Design Training", "Career Development Support Training for Collaborators", etc.
As part of the Career Development Program, SHIONOGI has introduced the internal job posting system. The objective of the internal job posting system is to support employees who voluntarily take on challenges and to further enhance the organizational strength.

Strengthening managers and nurturing the next generation of leaders

■ Strengthening managers

The success of STS2030 hinges on bolstering our managers, as SHIONOGI’s managers are required to support employees’ growth, promote transformation of the workplace, and maximize the outputs of the entire organization. With this in mind, in fiscal 2020, we launched PJ-KANAME, a new program for manager development aimed at all domestic managers that stresses managers’ personal growth, sophisticated decision-making skills, and a commitment to grow both employees and the organization.

In Project KANAME, "Penetration and practice of medium-term management plan STS2030", "Decision-making / decision-making", "Labor / goal management / personnel evaluation", "DX", "Business creation", "Overseas support", "Logical writing" A wide variety of programs such as "power" and "basic management knowledge" are provided, from management strategy and human resource management to DX and new business creation. Is designed to help them improve their level by continuing to learn every day using combination of online, group training, and self-study.

Inspire growth of people and organizations and always make rational and intelligent decisions / Contribute to the sustainable development of society and SHIONOGI by delivering Continuous Innovation

Inspire the Growth of People and Organizations

• Inspire the Growth of People and Organizations that can be Co-creative and Competitive Globally
• Ensure Appropriate Communication, Compliance, and Quality

Decision Making

• Make Swift and Intelligent Decisions Based on Accurate Information and Understanding of Company Strategy
• Maintain Transparency & Traceability

Deliver Innovation

• Lead the Activities to Deliver Innovation
• Establish and Utilize Internal/External Networks

■ The President’s Management Seminar

The President’s Management Seminar, which is led by the President in person, is a forum set up in 2012 to cultivate senior management candidates. Each year around ten candidates are selected to participate in a total of seven to nine seminars held roughly every month over the course of the year.  Through this program, SHIONOGI cultivates its next generation of leaders by developing diverse human resources with a tenacious approach who can consider issues from a company-wide perspective.

■ Senior management development through management at group companies

Experience at Group companies’ Senior management candidates take on roles as presidents, non-executive directors, and auditors of Group companies, where they gain management experience. The president of the SHIONOGI Group himself confirms the content of discussions at Group companies. At the twice-yearly general meeting of shareholders and at business briefing events, the president of the SHIONOGI Group and officers of Group companies are engaged in comprehensive discussion, providing them with a forum to deepen their understanding of the stakeholder perspective and hone their business instincts.

■ Divisional rotation of corporate officers

SHIONOGI carries out a system of corporate officer rotation across divisions. This rotation allows corporate officers to experience management of a number of divisions so that they can practice management not as the representative of one division but from a company-wide perspective.

Remuneration and Evaluation System

  • This personnel system is that SHIONOGI will appropriately evaluate personnel who develop themselves in line with the human resources that SHIONOGI seeks, and who boldly take on the challenge of reaching the difficult goals necessary to achieve STS2030 Revision. The objective is to align the growth vectors of the organization and its human resources by treating employees in a manner that is both motivating and satisfying.
  • We create a competitive compensation system that enables us to hire highly specialized personnel with market value and offer them terms according to their abilities. Compensation levels are designed to increase the competitiveness of talent acquisition and reward significant contributions, regardless of age, with commensurate compensation.
  • SHIONOGI defines the human resources it seeks in each job classification and provides employees with examples of the behaviors it seeks for each job classification, to ensure that they are familiar with the system. We are also working to improve the ability of managers to correctly assess the abilities and skills of employees, and to support their development. By fostering each employee’s desire to grow and aligning the human resources required by the organization with the skills that individuals need to develop, we will improve our organizational strength and build a robust human resource portfolio.

Outline of the evaluation system

Evaluate the achievements obtained through the performance of duties (creation of achievements) and the actions and processes taken (behavior change).

Comprehensively determine the creation of achievements and the behavior change and reflect them in treatment.

SHIONOGI's approach to human resource development and career development is also published on the SHIONOGI Group's recruitment information "SHIONOGI Recruiting Site."