We will continue to create new drugs by focusing on research areas related to "Protect people from the threat of infectious diseases" and "Contribute to a healthy and prosperous life."

Protect people from the threat of infectious diseases


SHIONOGI, which has core competence in infectious diseases area, is promoting drug discovery research and development with “freedom from the threat of infectious diseases” as one of the important issues (materiality) that the company should aim for. We are conducting research every day to realize total care that meets needs, including respiratory infections and other infections that require long-term treatment.

One is the correspondence to COVID-19 in recent years, further research on pandemics that may occur in the future, and promotion of research that will help prevent future infectious diseases. These infectious diseases are life-threatening when they become severe, and their rapid spread from person to person will have a huge impact on society and economic activities. Furthermore, infectious diseases that are difficult to cure with existing drugs such as antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and emerging infectious diseases that are difficult to predict when they will occur are also major social and medical needs. In particular, the three major infectious diseases, HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria, pose a huge threat and challenge from the perspective of global health. From the perspective of the SDGs, it is hoped that the problem will be overcome as soon as possible.

To free from the threat of infectious diseases, SHIONOGI will promote the creation of innovative new drugs and take on the challenge of providing total care for infectious diseases through a variety of approaches, including diagnostic agents.


With the prolonged outbreak of COVID-19, it is desirable to provide an effective and safe domestic vaccine as soon as possible. Using the technology of recombinant protein vaccines, we have been conducting research and development, and in June 2024, SHIONOGI obtained domestic manufacturing and marketing approval for our first recombinant protein vaccine, "COVGOZE". We are also working to create intranasal vaccines that can prevent infection by inducing mucosal immunity, and to respond to new pandemics by developing universal antigen design technology. We will take on the challenge of creating vaccines that will free people from the threat of infectious diseases from a variety of perspectives.

Contribute to a healthy and prosperous life

  • Dementia: Patients and their families with dementia have various problems due to behavioral and psychological symptoms called BPSD,. in addition to core symptoms. By removing these symptoms, we help dementia patients to be themselves and spend the rest of their lives happily without anxiety of becoming a burden to loved ones.
  • Obesity: In recent years, the number of obese people has increased due to excessive energy intake by changes in eating habits and lack of exercise. Since obesity is a risk factor for the onset of many diseases such as dementia and lifestyle-related diseases including cardiovascular disease, it is important to prevent and improve obesity in order to extend healthy life expectancy. We are working on research and development to make it possible.
  • Developmental Disorders: Mismatches between the various characteristics seen in developmental disorders and the living environment cause problems in various life stages and have a wide impact on the QOL of patients, caregivers, and other related parties. We are working on research and development of new treatment methods including non-drug therapy such as digital therapy in addition to drug therapy.
  • Sleep disorders: Sleep disorders such as insomnia, hypersomnia, circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders, and sleep apnea syndrome are known to be closely associated with various diseases including psychiatric disorders, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, and dementia as well as causing fatigue, memory, concentration, and attention problems. Long-term symptoms can also affect significantly daily life including long absences from work and reduced productivity. We are constantly working on research and development with the aim of contributing to a healthy and prosperous life for patients who are suffering from sleep disorders.
  • Hearing loss: It is estimated that more than 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from hearing loss. In particular, the number of patients with sensorineural hearing loss continues to increase not only among the elderly but also among the young, due to changes in the living environment. In addition, the economic loss is estimated to be 980 bilillion dollar per year, which is a major social problem. However, there is currently no approved drugs for sensorineural hearing loss. We, SHIONOGI will work on research and development to deliver treatment methods suitable for patients suffering from sensorineural hearing loss.
  • Psychiatric disorders: Many of the causes and mechanisms of symptoms associated with psychiatric disorders remain unknown. We are working to elucidate the brain mechanisms behind the symptoms and to research and develop treatment methods according to the symptoms that cause patients' problems.
  • Pain: It has been suggested that pain is strongly associated not only with the patient's physical distress, but also with a marked decrease in quality of life and presentism. We are working on research to discover pain drugs having a strong analgesic effect without fear of side effects. In addition, we will contribute to patients and healthcare professionals by promoting information provision and diagnostic research and development leading to the proper use of analgesics.
  • Cancer: Cancer is the leading cause of death in many countries and is a serious life and health issue. It often causes anxiety not only for the patient, but also for their family members and acquaintances. In addition, its long-term treatment sometimes leads to employment problems. In recent years, immune checkpoint inhibitors have significantly changed the treatment of cancer, and the potential of the immune response to tumors has been gaining attention. We are committed to provide more effective solutions for individual patients by developping diverse and unique immuno-oncology assets with different mechanisms of action.
  • Pediatric diseases:There are still many childhood diseases for which there are no effective treatments in the world. We support the growth of children, who are the future of society, through the development of medicines that are effective against childhood diseases.
  • Pediatric Indications/Formulations:Even a drug with excellent efficacy may not be able to provide appropriate drug treatment opportunities to pediatric patients due to the lack of pediatric indications or pediatric formulations. In parallel with the development of drugs for adults, we aim to provide optimal drug treatment opportunities for child patients, their families, and medical professionals by pursuing the acquisition of pediatric indications and the development of highly convenient pediatric formulations.