This page covers our manufacturing and quality management initiatives to ensure quality and safety in products and services.


Our approach to manufacturing: high-quality drugs in stable supply at competitive cost

To put into practice the Company Policy, we take Safety, Quality, Delivery, Low Cost, and Environmental Consciousness as the basis of our manufacturing activities. Going forward, we will continue to maintain an awareness of these five principles as we pursue earnest initiatives to realize a stable supply of high-quality drugs at reduced cost.

Initiatives to improve manufacturing quality

To consistently deliver a stable supply of high-quality drugs, SHIONOGI Group has put in place a quality assurance system based on Japanese and overseas GMP*, allowing us to pass the inspections of regulatory authorities in the US and Europe. Each drug product must undergo an individual inspection for compliance with GMP. SHIONOGI Group obtains a GMP compliance certificate for all products before initiating drug manufacturing at our facilities.
GMP compliance certification covers the pharmaceutical quality system in accordance with the ICH Q10 guideline. This pharmaceutical quality system is based on the principles of ISO 9001, because ICH Q10 utilizes ISO 9001 as the foundation for creating guidelines.
At our manufacturing facilities, each lot is subject to in-house tests and inspections to monitor product quality at every stage from receipt of raw materials through to the finished product. We also perform quality trend assessment and stability monitoring in an effort to realize continuous quality improvement. All data relating to drug manufacturing and quality are subject to appropriate document management to ensure the completeness of data as part of a system to consistently deliver the best possible medicines.
* GMP: Good Manufacturing Practice (regulations for pharmaceutical manufacturing control and quality control)

A socially responsible system of quality management

The mission in corporate quality mnagement activity is to ensure compliance with all regulations in operations relating to quality, safety, and pharmaceutical regulatory affairs, and to thereby ensure the reliability of these activities across the whole Group. This means that it coordinates closely with Group companies worldwide in the US, Europe, Asia, and other regions, working to improve the quality of SHIONOGI Group products and information, ensure safety through a robust pharmacovigilance system, and implement pharmaceutical compliance in the rapidly changing regulatory environment. In this way, it helps to fulfill our responsibilities as a corporate citizen.
Going forward, we will continue to comply with regulations and take advance measures to avoid risk so as to make SHIONOGI Group a company that patients can have confidence in and all stakeholders can trust.

Fostering a quality culture

SHIONOGI Group is working to foster a quality culture including at Group companies and to advance a mindset of rigorous compliance not only within the Group but also in the supply chain. In addition, in accordance with the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act), the roles and scope of responsibility of the officer in charge are clearly defined, and annual training on legal compliance for all employees is conducted under an appropriate management system based on the three-role system of Pharmaceutical Officer, Quality Assurance Supervisor and Safety Supervisor.
We conduct systematic on-site or remote audits of plants and manufacturing contractors in Japan and overseas, and conduct ad hoc audits of plants and manufacturing contractors where serious events have occurred in the past; thereby ensuring that management supervision is con[1]ducted efficiently and with a high level of quality.

Quality assurance and response to counterfeit drugs

To strive constantly to supply the best possible medicines to protect the health and wellbeing of the patients we serve, businesses must act efficiently with an approach to risk that takes preventive measures in advance rather than reacting after an issue has emerged. Through the SHIONOGI Group Quality Policy, which is subject to continuous improvement, SHIONOGI Group confirms that all products and data in Japan and overseas, from the development to the post-marketing stage, are covered by appropriate risk-preventive action of this kind.

We have also built a system that complies with the laws and regulations of each country and carry out global quality assurance so that these activities can be carried out by the entire group, including overseas.

To reliably supply high-quality medicines to patients around the world, we are working to improve manufacturing quality and ensure quality through GMP* and developing activities to protect patients from counterfeit medicines. In addition to participating in industry activities related to the prevention of counterfeit medicines, we have set up a Global Anti-Counterfeit Committee centered on members from Japan, the United States, and Europe to work on product security measures.

[Quality Assurance Management] Investigational drugs, Drug manufacturing sites, Raw material manufacturers, Medical institutions, etc. ⇄ [Response from regulatory authorities] Ministry of Labour, Health and Welfare, Overseas regulatory authorities

Building a pharmacovigilance system

Pharmacovigilance system

As set out in the SHIONOGI Group Drug Safety Policy, SHIONOGI Group gives utmost priority to the safety of patients and participants in clinical trials. Accordingly, we operate procedures for reliably gathering and evaluating safety information at all stages from development to post-marketing and have put in place a system so that the necessary safety measures can be rolled out rapidly through close coordination among safety management divisions in all Group regions, including overseas. Additionally, for drugs where it is considered particularly necessary, we have put in place a special pharmacovigilance system with specific procedures stipulated for the individual product.

Education for improved safety awareness

In order to ensure that safety measures are correctly implemented, it is vital that management and employees understand the importance of gathering and evaluating safety information.

At SHIONOGI Group, in order to handle safety information appropriately, we formulate procedural manuals and provide in-house education. As well as regular training on gathering of safety information designed mainly for medical representatives (MR) in Japan, we also provide annual safety training on pharmaceutical products for all employees.

Through appropriate education, we work to improve awareness of safety in our business management.

[Pharmacovigilance (PV)] Adverse event Information gathering, Adverse event Evaluation and review, Adverse event Review and decision, Safety Information provision (→ Patients Healthcare professionals) ⇄ [Adverse event report/safety measures] Ministry of Labour, Health and Welfare, Overseas regulatory authorities