Support project outline

Location Kiambogoko, Gilgil Sub-County, Nakuru County, Republic of Kenya
Target population 34,643 (direct beneficiaries: 13,035; indirect beneficiaries: 21,608)
Term June 2023 to May 2026
Budget 20 million yen (first fiscal year)
Partner World Vision Japan (a specified non-profit corporation)

Project location

kenya map
Nakuru County Map
Nakuru County is one of the most populated areas in Kenya and is home to various ethnic groups. Many of the residents in the support area are small-scale farmers. When the rainless season lasts on, some residents may move to neighboring communities in search of employment.

Healthcare issues for mothers and children in Kiambogoko

Concentration of patients at a particular health facility (Insufficient capacity)

Households with latrine


Households getting water from improved water sources


Lack of resources for community health in the county government

Crowded health center
Crowded health center
Water with high turbidity in the pond
Water with high turbidity in the pond

The support area has problems such as a delay in infrastructure development for health facilities and crowded of patients at one health center from all over the area. These problems have resulted in the situation where community people are unable to receive sufficient basic medical services when needed.

Other challenges include child nutritional status, such as stunting and underweight, and low access to improved sanitation facilities. Regarding water hygiene, diarrhea in children is also an issue.

Health data (reference values)
Indicator  Kenya※1 Kiambogoko※2
Antenatal care coverage (four or more times) 58% 52%
Birth attended by skilled health personnel/Deliveries at health facilities 61.2% 82%
Full vaccination coverage 67.5% 85%
Cases of diarrhea among children under 5 years old - 1,176 cases
Access to improved water - 9%
  1. ※1
    Kenya Demographic Health Survey 2014
  2. ※2
    World Vision Survey 2021
Health facilities in Gilgil Sub-County and health service levels targeted by this project

Description of activities

(1) Improvement of infrastructure (2) Education and sensitization (3) Enhancement of the community support system
Improvement of access to maternal and child health services
  • Construction of maternity wards
  • Improve health facilities
  • Maintenance of equipment and fixtures
  • Providing mobile clinic services
  • Capacity building of healthcare workers
  • Supportive supervision
  • Data management review
  • Training of community healthcare workers
  • Household visits by community healthcare workers
  • Establish Mother to Mother groups and monthly meetings
  • Establish advocacy groups
  • Improve partnership and collaboration with relevant government officials
Improvement of water hygiene
  • Improvement of the water and sanitation environment at health facilites
  • Support for ensuring safe water in communities
  • Establishment and operation of an oral rehydration area at health facilities
  • Water sanitation training (healthcare workers, community healthcare workers, teachers)
  • Establishment of school health clubs
  • Training for solving open defecation issues (community healthcare workers)
  • Educating the local communities
Improvement of nutritional status
  • Training for nutrition (healthcare workers, community healthcare workers)
  • Follow-ups on acutely malnourished children
Improvement of access to quality healthcare services This project aims to ensure that people receive basic medical services with peace of mind at nearby health facilities by strengthening the healthcare system for the entire region, centered on two health centers and two dispensaries.
Reduction of diarrhea among children Focusing especially on health facilities and schools in the local communities, we will provide hygiene training and awareness-raising for healthcare workers, Community healthcare workers, and teachers. We will also strive to reduce diarrhea among children by offering better access to safe water. To this end, we will improve water hygiene at health facilities, provide the communities with hygiene education, and promote measures to solve open defecation issues.

Activity report

Supporting to nutrition campaign
(World Breastfeeding Week)
Supporting to nutrition campaign (World Breastfeeding Week)
Community Health Volunteers quarterly meeting
Community Health Volunteers quarterly meeting
Nutritional screening
Nutritional screening
Raising awareness of WASH
(Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)
Raising awareness of WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)
Teaching good hygiene practices at school
Teaching good hygiene practices at school