
米国感染症学会週間(IDWeek 2020)での当社発表について -セフィデロコルの第III相臨床試験(CREDIBLE-CR)結果の口頭発表を含む-

塩野義製薬株式会社(本社:大阪市中央区、代表取締役社長:手代木 功、以下「塩野義製薬」または「当社」)は、2020年10月21日~25日に開催される米国感染症学会週間Infectious Disease Week 2020(以下「IDWeek 2020」)にて、セフィデロコルの第III相臨床試験(CREDIBLE-CR)結果に関する口頭発表を含む計18演題を発表することをお知らせいたします。




IDWeek 2020では、セフィデロコルについて、重篤なカルバペネム耐性菌感染症を対象に実施した第III相臨床試験(CREDIBLE-CR)を含め、これまでの臨床試験の追加調査結果、および他の非臨床試験結果を発表します。IDWeek 2020にて予定している発表の概要は以下のとおりです。これらの発表には、当社で実施した試験の他に、外部研究機関で実施された試験も含まれています。なお、今回のIDWeek 2020は、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を受けて、バーチャルで開催されます。



In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Cefiderocol Against Non-fermenter Clinical Strains Collected in North America and Europe from Multinational Surveillance Studies SIDERO-WT-2014-2018

Oral presentation #O164

Cefiderocol Treatment for Serious Infections Caused by Carbapenem-Resistant Bacteria: Post-Hoc Analysis of Outcomes by Pathogen in the CREDIBLE-CR Study

Oral presentation #O165

Characteristics and Utilization Patterns of Colistin Compared with Newer Agents in Gram-Negative Infections

Poster #833

Impact of Active Treatment of Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Infections in US Hospitals Between 2014 and 2019

Poster #842

Trends of Carbapenem Resistance in Enterobacterales in the US Between 2015 and 2019

Poster #848

In Vitro Activity of Cefiderocol Against Metallo β-lactamase-Producing Gram-Negative Bacteria in North America and Europe Between 2014 and 2017: SIDERO-WT-2014 to -2016 Studies

Poster #1252

Characterization of Shifts in Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations During Treatment with Cefiderocol or Comparators in the Phase 3 CREDIBLE-CR and APEKS-NP Studies

Poster #1266

Differences in Interpretative Breakpoints Between CLSI, FDA and EUCAST Impact Reporting of Susceptibility and Resistance to Cefiderocol

Poster #1269

Efficacy and Safety of Cefiderocol and Best Available Therapy in Patients with Serious Infections Caused by Cabapenem-Resistant Gram-Negative Infections: Results of the Pathogen-Focused Phase 3 CREDIBLE-CR Study

Poster #1271

Outcome of Patients with Gram-Negative Bacteremia from Phase 2 and Phase 3 Clinical Trials of Cefiderocol, a New Siderophore Cephalosporin

Poster #1285

Safety Profile of the Novel Siderophore Cephalosporin Cefiderocol in Randomized Phase 2 and Phase 3 Clinical Studies of Serious Gram-Negative Infections

Poster #1292

Cefiderocol Population Pharmacokinetics and Probability of Target Attainment in Plasma and Epithelial Lining Fluid in Patients with Pneumonia, Bloodstream Infection/Sepsis, or Complicated Urinary Tract Infections

Poster #1302

Intrapulmonary Pharmacokinetics of Cefiderocol in Hospitalized and Ventilated Patients Receiving Standard of Care Antibiotics for Bacterial Pneumonia

Poster #1311

Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Analyses of Cefiderocol in Critically Ill Patients

Poster #1316

Molecular Profile of β-Lactamase Genes and Siderophore-Dependent Iron Transporter Genes of Cefiderocol High MIC Isolates from SIDERO-WT Studies

Poster #1452

Potential Mechanisms of Cefiderocol MIC Increase in Enterobacterales in In Vitro Resistance Acquisition Studies

Poster #1455

Treatments for complicated urinary tract infections (cUTI) caused by multidrug resistant (MDR) Gram-negative (GN) pathogens-a systematic review and network meta-analysis (NMA)

Poster #1578

Synergistic Effect of Cefiderocol with Other Antibiotics Against PER-Producing Acinetobacter baumannii Isolates from the Multinational SIDERO-WT Studies

Poster #1626

以 上










1.      2019年11月15日リリース FETROJA®(cefiderocol)の米国における新薬承認について

2.      2020年9月29日リリース FETROJA®(cefiderocol)の米国における院内肺炎の適応追加承認取得について

3.      2020年4月28日リリース FETCROJA®(cefiderocol)の欧州における承認取得について

4.      World Health Organization. Global priority list of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to guide research, discovery, and development of new antibiotics. February 27, 2017. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/medicines/publications/global-priority-list-antibiotic-resistant-bacteria/en/.

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6.      Hackel M, Tsuji M, Yamano Y, et al. In Vitro Activity of the Siderophore Cephalosporin, Cefiderocol, Against a Recent Collection of Clinically Relevant Gram-Negative Bacilli from North America and Europe, Including Carbapenem Non-Susceptible Isolates: The SIDERO-WT-2014 Study. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2017;61(9):e00093−17. https://doi.org/10.1128/AAC.00093-17.

7.      Diene SM, Rolain JM. Carbapenemase genes and genetic platforms in gram-negative bacilli: Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter species. Clin Microbiol Infect 2014; 20:831−38.

8.      Livermore DM. Current epidemiology and growing resistance of gram-negative pathogens. Korean J Intern Med 2012; 27:128−42.

9.      Brooke JS. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia: an emerging global opportunistic pathogen. Clin Microbiol Rev 2012; 25:2−41.

10.    Tangden T, Giske CG. Global dissemination of extensively drug-resistant carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae: clinical perspectives on detection, treatment and infection control. J Intern Med 2015; 277:501−12.

11.    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States 2019, Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, CDC; 2019. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/drugresistance/pdf/threats-report/2019-ar-threats-report-508.pdf

12.    European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Technical Report: the bacterial challenge: time to react. 2009. Retrieved from


13.    O’Neill J. ‘Tackling Drug-Resistant Infections Globally: Final Report and Recommendations’. Review on Antimicrobial Resistance. May 2016. Retrieved from https://amr-review.org/sites/default/files/160525_Final%20paper_with%20cover.pdf

14.    Ito A, Nishikawa T., Matsumoto S, et al. Siderophore Cephalosporin Cefiderocol Utilizes Ferric Iron Transporter Systems for Antibacterial Activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2016;60(12):7396-7401.

15.    Tillotson GS. Trojan Horse Antibiotics—A Novel Way to Circumvent Gram-Negative Bacterial Resistance? Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment. 2016;9:45-52 doi:10.4137/IDRT.S31567.